Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Viral Landing Page For Making Money through Movies

So here is a script for movies, its a great way to make money using Facebook to create viral traffic.

What is so interesting about this script?
The interesting thing is that you don't need to create another page for each movie. You simply have to upload an image from the movie and you are done.

How is this viral?
Simple, before the user 'watches' the movie, he has to share your link on facebook. It's all set, you don't have to worry about setting up facebook applications or something like this.

How to monetize?

After the user shares the link, he must complete an offer to 'watch the movie'.

Just to be clear: he doesn't actually watch a movie, there is just an image of the movie, but looks like he will play a movie after he has done all those steps.

Now, to get started you have to upload the files to a website. To add a new movie, you will have to get an image from that movie (use imdCool and upload it to /movies/ folder. The name of the files must be related to the movie, so the script will know what's the title of the movie. The IMAGE MUST BE IN .JPG FORMAT!!

For example, let's say we want to add the Pacific Rim movie. We will go to imdb, download a photo an rename it to Pacific-Rim.jpg. Use dashes ("-") for spaces. Now the script will know that the title of the movie is Pacific Rim. If we want to add The Heat, the image will be called The-Heat.jpg. You must use this format!!

Now, to integrate your content locker open play.php and there you will have the following lines:

Users have to fill out an offer to unlock the play button Smiling

Now, to get started you have to upload the files to a website. To add a new movie, you will have to get an image from that movie (use imdCool and upload it to /movies/ folder. The name of the files must be related to the movie, so the script will know what's the title of the movie. The IMAGE MUST BE IN .JPG FORMAT!!

For example, let's say we want to add the Pacific Rim movie. We will go to imdb, download a photo an rename it to Pacific-Rim.jpg. Use dashes ("-") for spaces. Now the script will know that the title of the movie is Pacific Rim. If we want to add The Heat, the image will be called The-Heat.jpg. You must use this format!!

Now, to integrate your content locker open play.php and there you will have the following lines:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://fileice.net/gateway/mygate.php?id=4275486f4551513d"></script>

Change this line to whatever CPA Network you are using.

<center><img src="images/playButton.png" onmouseover="this.src='images/playbuttonover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='images/playButton.png'" onclick="startGateway('149358');" width="244" height="244" /></center></td>

Edit startGateway('149358'); to what your CPA Network requires. If you use fileice like me, you have to edit only the last thing.

Then you will have to create a facebook app. Go to http://developers.facebook.com and create a new app, doesn't matter the name, just the App Domain must be the domain where you are using the script.

All movies will be displayed on the index.php page, so you don't have to worry about modifying anything.

All you have to do is to add your content locker, add some movies and you are good to go.

GET IT NOW: http://bit.ly/1lIpLiv

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